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Test topic Empty Test topic

Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:49 pm

We will be discussing how the mechanics are rolled in this system when a Battle Moderator is called and how the damage is figured out. To start off we will be looking at how your attacks are rolled and how your damage output is decided.

Attack Rolls

Genjutsu Potency is determined by rolling a d20 and adding your Genjutsu Stat.
Ninjutsu Accuracy is determined by rolling a d20 and adding your Ninjutsu Stat.
Taijutsu Accuracy is determined by rolling a d20 and adding your Taijutsu Stat.

There may be abilities or styles that augment this, but as the standard this is how your "Attack Roll" is determined. If you have buffs provided by your Ninja Build, such as Abilities or Styles, then they are applied to your Attack Roll. With this it will be compared to your target's "Defensive Roll" If you beat their roll your attack lands. If your rolls tie, you deal 50% Damage, and all effects are ignored. If you roll is lower than your attack is nullified.

Damage is calculated based on your Rank's Base Damage. If your jutsu deals 75% Fire Damage, then as an Academy Student the damage would be calculate
d as 10*75% or 10*0.75 which is 7.5 Fire Damage, but as a Genin your base damage increases to 30. This means the same jutsu goes from 10*75% to 30*75%, which is 22.5 Fire Damage. This is considered your "Jutsu's Base Damage". You may have aspects of your Ninja Build, such as Abilities and Styles, which augment your Jutsu's Base Damage, like a +10% Fire Damage, then those buffs or debuffs apply to this sum. With the example given, if you have a +10% Fire Damage then your Genin Ranked 75% Fire Damage Jutsu is boosted from 22.5 to 24.75 as it is calculated as (30*75%)*(+10%) which could be written out as (30*0.75)*1.1 to get the total damage you are sending at your enemy. Keep in mind though that your target may have defensive measures in place to decrease your damage output, so if you see that your damage dealt is less than your calculations then your target is predicting your actions and are planning accordingly.

Your Accuracy and Potency Buffs cannot exceed 50% of your Stat Caps, so as a Jounin with a Stat Cap of 20 you can have up to a +10 on your rolls. Debuffs applied to your Attack Rolls follow the Stat Caps of your opponent, so if you are facing against a Kage with a Stat Cap of 30, they can inflict up to a -15 to your Attack Roll.  Buffs and Debuffs stack, meaning if you have a +5 Accuracy Buff but your opponent has inflicted a -7 Accuracy Debuff then your Attack Roll has a -2 Accuracy, as +5 -7 = -2. This means you do not have a limit to how much you can buff yourself or how many debuffs you can gain, the only limitation is on the final total. Buffs that don't designate which type of Accuracy apply to both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu such as a buff that says you have a +1 Accuracy. Buffs that don't designate which type of Attack Roll apply to Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu such as a buff that says you have a +1 to Attack Rolls.

Damage Buffs, no matter the rank cap at +100% Base Damage. Damage Debuffs, no matter the rank, cap at -50% Base Damage. Buffs and Debuffs stack, meaning if you have a +50% Damage Buff but your opponent has inflicted a -75% Damage Debuff then your deal -25% Damage, as +50% -75% = -25%. This means you do not have a limit to how much you can buff yourself or how many debuffs you can gain, the only limitation is on the final percent total. Buffs that don't designate which type of Damage apply to Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu such as a buff that says you have a +10% Damage. Damage Buffs that apply to only one of the two elements you use to combine to make a Kekkei Genkai's Advanced Element, such as a +10% Earth Damage when using a Wood Style Kekkei Genkai that combines Earth Release and Water Release, are applied at half their original value. This means your +10% Earth Damage, in this provided example, becomes a +5% Wood Damage.

Defensive  roll
When targeted by Genjutsu, your Genjutsu Resistance is determined by rolling a d20 and adding your Chakra Control Stat.
When targeted by Ninjutsu, your Genjutsu Dodge is determined by rolling a d20 and adding your Endurance Stat.
When targeted by Taijutsu, your Genjutsu Dodge is determined by rolled a d20 and adding your Agility Stat.

There may be abilities or styles that augment this, but as the standard this is how your "Defensive Roll" is determined. If you have buffs provided by your Ninja Build, such as Abilities or Styles, then they are applied to your Defensive Roll. With this it will be compared to your target's "Attack Roll" If you beat their roll their attack fails. If your rolls tie, you take 50% Damage, and all effects are ignored. If you roll is lower than your target's attack lands.

How much damage you take is based on your opponents damage output and any resistances you may have based on your Ninja Build. For example, if the incoming attack deals 50 Fire Damage, and you have an Ability or Style which grants you a 25% resistance to Fire Damage, then the damage you would take is calculated as 50*(100%-25%) or 50*75%, as you only take 75%, which can also be written as 50*0.75. So in this situation you would only take 37.5 Fire Damage.

Your Dodge and Resistance Buffs cannot exceed 50% of your Stat Caps, so as a Jounin with a Stat Cap of 20 you can have up to a +10 on your rolls. Debuffs applied to your Defensive Rolls follow the Stat Caps of your opponent, so if you are facing against a Kage with a Stat Cap of 30, they can inflict up to a -15 to your Defensive Roll.  Buffs and Debuffs stack, meaning if you have a +5 Resistance Buff but your opponent has inflicted a -7 Resistance Debuff then your Defensive Roll has a -2 Resistance, as +5 -7 = -2. This means you do not have a limit to how much you can buff yourself or how many debuffs you can gain, the only limitation is on the final total. Buffs that don't designate which type of Dodge apply to both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu such as a buff that says you have a +1 Dodge. Buffs that don't designate which type of Defensive Roll apply to Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu such as a buff that says you have a +1 to Defensive Rolls.

Damage Resistance [/b]Buffs, no matter the rank cap at +100% Resistance. Damage Resistance Debuffs, no matter the rank, cap at -50% Resistance. Buffs and Debuffs stack, meaning if you have a +50% Resistance Buff but your opponent has inflicted a -75% Resistance Debuff, also known as a +75% Vulnerability Debuff, then you take +25% Damage, as +50% Resistance -75% Resistance (or +75% Vulnerability) = -25% Resistance or +25% Vulnerability. This means you do not have a limit to how much you can buff yourself or how many debuffs you can gain, the only limitation is on the final percent total. Buffs that don't designate which type of Resistance apply to Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu such as a buff that says you have a +10% Damage Resistance. Damage Resistance Buffs that apply to only one of the two elements you use to combine to make a Kekkei Genkai's Advanced Element, such as a +10% Earth Resistance, when being targeted by a Wood Style Kekkei Genkai that combines Earth Release and Water Release, are applied at half their original value. This means your +10% Earth Resistance, in this provided example, becomes a +5% Wood Damage Resistance.
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